Sunday, March 9, 2025


सांबरा एटिएसला भेट व्ही पी एस राणा यांची


सांबरा येथील एअरमन ट्रेनिंग संस्थेला ट्रेनिंग कमांड बंगळूर चे वरिष्ठ प्रशासकीय अधिकारी एअर व्हाईस मार्शल व्हीपीएस राणा ( विशिष्ट सेवा मेडल) यांनी भेट दिली. 13 व 14 जून रोजी ही भेट झाली.

Airmen training
एटीएस बेळगावचे एअर ऑफिसर कमांडींग एअर कमोडोर आर रविशंकर यांनी स्वागत केले. एटीएस च्या सर्व उपक्रमांची पाहणी करण्यात आली.यानंतर मार्गदर्शन केले. त्यांची पत्नी अंजना या ही होत्या.

Air Vice Marshal VPS Rana, Vishisht Seva Medal, Senior Officer-in-charge Administration, Training Command of the Indian Air Force visited Airmen Training School Belagavi on 13-14 Jun 19.
The Air Vice Marshal was received by Air Commodore R Ravishankar Vishisht Seva Medal, Air Officer Commanding, Airmen Training School Belagavi. During the visit, he was briefed on all the major work services and infrastructure development undertaken by the School by the Air Officer Commanding. The Air Vice Marshal visited Air Force School of Physical Fitness and Tilakwadi to inspect the work services in progress.

During his two day visit, the Air Officer emphasised on the need to plan efficiently to optimize the existing infrastructure towards induction of additional trainees and conduct of training. He appreciated the initiatives and measures taken by the school in improving the overall quality of life.
Air Vice Marshal VPS Rana, Vishisht Seva Medal, was accompanied by his wife Mrs Anjana during the visit.



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