Sunday, March 9, 2025


१६ व्या लोकसभेत अंगडीचे अबतक फक्त २६ प्रश्न


बेळगाव लोकसभा मतदार संघाचे खासदार सुरेश अंगडी हे खासदार म्हणून आपली जबाबदारी पेलण्यात कमी पडले असा आरोप त्यांचे पक्षातलेच लोक कायम करत असतात. हा आरोप एकदम बरोबर आहे असा शिक्का मारणारी आकडेवारी मिळाली आहे. सलग तिसऱ्यांदा निवडून गेलेल्या अंगडी यांनी यावेळी १६ व्या लोकसभेचे सदस्य म्हणून फक्त २६ प्रश्न लोकसभेत विचारले आहेत. राष्ट्रीय पातळीवर एक खासदार कमीत कमी २६० प्रश्न विचारून आपल्या भागाकडे देशाचे लक्ष वेधून घेतो हा इतिहास असताना अंगडी यांनी आपण सर्वात कमी प्रश्न विचारणार खासदार असल्याचे सिद्ध करून दाखवले आहे.

suresh angadi mp
ही माहिती या वेबसाईटवर असून अंगडी यांनी विचारलेले ते २६ प्रश्नही देण्यात आले आहेत.१जून २०१४ ते ३१ जुलै २०१८ या कालावधीत सुरेश अंगडी यांची हजेरी ९१ टक्के आहे. देशातील खासदारांची जास्तीतजास्त हजेरी ८० टक्के आणि राज्यातील खासदारांची ७८ टक्के असताना अंगडी जास्त वेळ हजर आहेत पण त्यांनी फक्त भत्ते मिळवून घेतले आहेत. या हजेरीचा उपयोग बेळगाव साठी कसल्याच पद्धतीने झाला नाही.
२६ प्रश्न आणि ३७ चर्चा ही अंगडी यांची कामगिरी आहे.

लोकप्रतिनिधी म्हणुन सभागृहात जनतेशी निगडित प्रश्न विचारणे समाज हिताच्या चर्चेत सहभागी होणे हे लोक प्रतिनिधींचे आध्य कर्तव्य असते मात्र  खासदार अंगडी यांना यात कमी रस आहे हे वरील त्यांनी लोकसभेत मांडलेल्या प्रश्ना वरून दिसून येते.

बेळगाव जिल्ह्यातील आमदार मागील कार्यकाळात अपक्ष तर सध्या भाजप मध्ये असणारे पी राजीव यांनी कर्नाटक विधान सभेच्या सभागृहात अधिक प्रश्न विचारले होते ते नेहमी सजग असतात महाराष्ट्र विधान सभेचे अपक्ष आमदार बचू कडू हे एकटेच अपक्ष आमदार असले सभागृहात प्रश्ने विचारून सरकारला सळो की पळो करून टाकतात त्यातच बेळगावच्या शेजारील कोल्हापूरचे खासदार धनंजय महाडिक हे जरी पहिल्यांदाच निवडून आले असले तरी प्रश्ने विचारण्यात चर्चेत सहभाग घेण्यास आक्रमक असतात म्हणून त्यांना उत्कृष्ट संसद पटू अवार्ड मिळाले आहे या सर्वांचा आदर्श अंगडी घेणार का हा प्रश्न या निमित्ताने उपस्थित होत आहे.

अंगडी यांनी विचारलेले प्रश्न आणि सहभागी झालेल्या चर्चेचा तपशील पुढीलप्रमाणे आहे.
1. 2070 28.11.2016 PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS Tanwar Shri Kanwar Singh,Deo Shri Arka Keshari,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Gopalakrishnan Shri R.,M. Smt. Vasanthi,Hansdak Shri Vijay Kumar,Saraswati Shri Sumedhanand,Singh, Smt. Pratyusha Rajeshwari DBT in Kerosene
2. 1785 25.11.2016 HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Gopalakrishnan Shri R. Cancer Research
3 .1639 25.11.2016 HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Gopalakrishnan Shri R. Safeguarding Patients Privacy
4. 1602 24.11.2016 SHIPPING Patil Shri Chandrakant Raghunath,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Kachhadia Shri Naranbhai,Chauhan Shri Prabhatsinh Pratapsinh,Gopalakrishnan Shri R.,Kundariya Shri Mohanbhai Kalyanjibhai,Chavda Shri Vinod Projects under Sagarmala
5. 1548 24.11.2016 NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY Reddy Shri Konda Vishweshwar,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Gopalakrishnan Shri R. Outlay required for Renewable Energy
6. 1275 23.11.2016 COMMUNICATIONS Ashok Kumar Shri K.,Mahadik Shri Dhananjay Bhimrao,Satav Shri Rajeev Shankarrao,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Sule Smt. Supriya Sadanand Subsidy to BSNL
7. 1238 23.11.2016 RAILWAYS Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa Izzat Passes
8 .4083 23.12.2015 RAILWAYS Chowdhary Shri Pankaj,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa Suvidha Trains
9. 3581 21.12.2015 PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS Boianapalli Shri Vinod Kumar,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Maragatham Smt. K.,Dhruvanarayana Shri Rangaswamy,Paraste Shri Dalpat Singh Tamper Caps for LPG
10. 3185 17.12.2015 NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY Singh Shri Sushil Kumar,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa Gobar Gas Plants
11. 581 07.05.2015 WATER RESOURCES, RIVER DEVELOPMENT AND GANAGA REJUVENATION Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Kothapalli Smt. Geetha POLAVARAM PROJECT
12. 6348 05.05.2015 HOME AFFAIRS Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa PROTECTION OF HUMAYUN TOMB
13. 252 13.03.2015 FINANCE Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Vellaigounder Shri Elumalai INSURANCE CLAIMS UNDER PMJDY
14. 2948 13.03.2015 FINANCE Sahu Shri Tamradhwaj,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,De(Nag) Dr. (Smt.) Ratna NGOS
15. 2227 10.03.2015 AGRICULTURE Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa MARKETING INTERVENTION SCHEME
16. 1982 09.03.2015 RAILWAYS Chautala Shri Dushyant,Patel Shri Devji Mansingram,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Antony Shri Anto RAILWAY TICKETING
17. 1980 09.03.2015 RAILWAYS Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Maganti Shri Murali Mohan SETTING UP OF RAILWAY UNIVERSITIES
18. 4990 23.12.2014 ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa BAN ON PLASTIC BOARDS
19. 4012 17.12.2014 SPACE Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa AGREEMENT SIGNED WITH NASA
20. 3376 12.12.2014 HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Chautala Shri Dushyant,Nath Shri Chand,Patil Shri A.T. (Nana),Arunmozhithevan Shri A.,Raajhaa Shri Anwhar,Galla Shri Jayadev,Reddy Shri A.P. Jithender,Suresh Shri Doddaalahalli Kempegowda,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Rao Shri Rayapati Sambasiva,Mullappally Shri Ramachandran,Thomas Prof. Kuruppassery Varkey,Venugopal Dr. Ponnusamy,Gopalakrishnan Shri R.,Vichare Shri Rajan Baburao ,Patil Shri Sanjay(Kaka) Ramchandra,Reddy Shri Midhun,Trivedi Shri Dinesh,Birla Shri Om,Wanaga Shri Chintaman Navsha,Rao (Avnthi) Shri Muthamsetti Srinivasa,Chavan Shri Harishchandra Deoram,Dhruvanarayana Shri Rangaswamy,Tharoor Dr. Shashi,Singh Shri Parvesh Sahib CASES OF EBOLA
21. 3336 12.12.2014 HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Patil Shri A.T. (Nana),Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa MEDICAL RESEARCH
22. 539 14.08.2014 RAILWAYS Majhi Shri Balabhadra,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa BIO TOILETS IN RAILWAYS
23. 5283 14.08.2014 RAILWAYS Radhakrishnan Shri T.,Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa UNTIDY PASSENGER UTILITY ITEMS
24. 4761 12.08.2014 CULTURE Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa PENSION TO ARTISTS
25. 4353 08.08.2014 DEFENCE Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR WIDENING OF ROAD
26. 332 31.07.2014 ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS Angadi Shri Suresh Chanabasappa,Nimmala Shri Kristappa TOLL PLAZAS

सुरेश अंगडी सहभागी झालेले ३७ चर्चासत्रे

१.17-Jul-2014 (I) Budget (General)–2014-15 (II) Demands for Excess Grants (General) –2011-12 Budget (General)
21-Dec-2017 (i) Government Resolution, (ii) Supplementary Demands for Grants–Second Batch for 2017-18 Budget (General)
२.10-Mar-2016 (i) The Budget (General) – 2016-17 and (ii) Demands for Grants on Account (General) – 2016-17 Budget (General)
३.29-Mar-2017 (i) The Central Goods and Services Tax Bill, 2017 (ii) The Integrated Goods and Services Tax Bill, 2017 (iii) The Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Bill, 2017 (iv) The Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Bill, 2017 Government Bills
४.22-Mar-2017 Demand to raise the remuneration of anganwadi workers Special Mention
21-Apr-2015 Demands for Grants (Railways) – 2015-16 Budget (Railways)
५.16-Mar-2017 Demands for Grants Nos. 1 to 3 Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Budget (General)
६.19-Jul-2017 Discussion on the agrarian situation in the country LS – Short Duration Discussions (Rule-193)
७.27-Nov-2015 Discussion on the commitment to India’s Constitution as part of 125th Birth Anniversary Celebration of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Others
८.26-Jul-2016 Include mulberry and sugarcane in PMFBY Special Mention
९.02-Aug-2017 Issues related to BJP workers killing in Kerala Special Mention
१०.30-Jul-2014 Issues related to construction of Income Tax building opposite Safa Masjid in Karnataka Special Mention
११.02-Aug-2017 Issues related to political killings in Kerala Special Mention
१२.18-Dec-2015 Lack of railway over-bridge and request to develop the airport in Belagavi, Karnataka Special Mention
१३.11-Jun-2014 Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address
१४.24-Mar-2017 Need to establish an ayurvedic centre in Uttarakhand and include yoga and sanskrit in educational curriculum Special Mention
१५.15-Jul-2014 need to provide adequate compensation to farmers of Kammakeri village in Belgaum Parliamentary constituency in Karnataka in lieu of acquisition of their farm land for Kudachi-Bagalkot railway project in the State LS – Matters under (Rule-377)
१६.07-May-2015 Need to release funds for construction of Road Over Bridges on level crossing Nos. 385 and 388 in Belagavi in Karnataka LS – Matters under (Rule-377)
१७.29-Apr-2015 Regarding acute shortage of drinking water in Ramdurg, Bailhongal, and Saundatti and other parts of Belagavi District, Karnataka Special Mention
१८.19-Dec-2014 Regarding alleged grant of bail to terrorist of Mumbai terror Attack by a Pakistani anti-terror court Special Mention
१९.17-Mar-2015 Regarding reported death of an IAS Officer at his residence in Bengaluru Submissions by Members
२०.01-Dec-2014 Regarding set up the Karnataka Appellate Tribunal as early as possible Special Mention
२१.22-Mar-2017 Regarding the issue of of racial attacks on the people of the North-Eastern region Special Mention
२२.28-Jul-2016 Regarding the water dispute betwneen the states Special Mention
२३.09-Mar-2016 Request for early completion of work of railway over-bridge in Belgaum and need to construct a new building for KV in Belgavi Special Mention
२४.15-Dec-2015 Request the leaders of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa to resolve 40 year dispute concerning water resources in the district, Mahadayi and Kalasa-Banduri. Special Mention
२५.22-Mar-2017 Request to direct the Karnataka State Government to act against the racial attacks on the people of the North-Eastern region Special Mention
२६.04-May-2016 Request to issue strict directions to the Karnataka State Government to immediately disburse the balance amount of Rs.18.27 crore to the farmers Special Mention
२७.11-Mar-2015 Request to make an assessment regarding the damages caused due to rain in Karnataka and compensation to farmers Special Mention
२८.05-May-2016 Request to repair the railway bridge in Belgaum which was constructed during the British regime Special Mention
२९.16-Mar-2015 The Budget (General) – 2015-16; (ii) Demands for Grants on Account (General) – 2015-16; and (iii) Supplementary Demands for Grants (General) – 2014-15 Budget (General)
३०.03-May-2016 The Budget (General)–2016-2017 – Demands for Grants No. 50 Budget (General)
३१.24-Jul-2014 The Finance (No.2) Bill, 2014 Government Bills
३२.19-Jul-2017 The Indian Institutes of Information Technology (Public-Private Partnership) Bill, 2017 Government Bills
३३.18-Jul-2018 The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Second Amendment) Bill, 2017 Government Bills
३४.01-Dec-2014 The Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Laws (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2014 Government Bills
३५.08-Feb-2017 The Union Budget 2017–18 Budget (General)


ही सगळी माहिती बघितली असता येत्या लोकसभा निवडणुकीत चांगला चेहरा खासदार म्हणून पाठवण्याची गरज आहे.



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